Sunday, February 3, 2019

Review: Give the Dark my Love by Beth Revis

Beth Revis
Published On: 9/25/18
Page Count: 368
Rating: 4.5/5
Synopsis (Found on Goodreads):
When seventeen-year-old Nedra Brysstain leaves her home in the rural,
northern territories of
Lunar Island to attend the prestigious Yugen Academy, she has only one goal in mind:
learn the trade of medicinal alchemy.

I have adored Beth Revis`s writing for quite a few years and this novel has outdone itself.
I cannot wait to read book 2 when it comes out this year. Neocromancy has always seem to be
this taboo subject. By taboo I mean that when it comes up in YA Novels it tends to always been
this negative idea and cannot be practiced by the hero. Reign the Fallen by Sarah Glenn Marsh
seems to have paved an opening for YA novel heros to start doing some dark magic in order to
save the story.
Give the Dark my Love paints an incredible story about passion and deception. Set when a
plague is ravaging the northern country while those in the south live on in riches and ease. Tables
turn though when people of wealth are coming down with symptoms of the “unwashed” peoples
A book lovers daughter with a passion for helping others is the only person who can find the
cure. Can Nedra save those she loves or will she run out of time?



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