Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Review: The Storm Crow

Title: The Storm Crow
Author: Kayln Josephson
Page Count: 352
Rating: 4/5
Synopsis (Found on Goodreads):
In the tropical kingdom of Rhodaire, magical, elemental Crows are part of
every aspect of life...until the Illucian empire invades, destroying everything.
That terrible night has thrown Princess Anthia into a deep depression. Her
sister Caliza is busy running the kingdom after their mother's death, but all
Thia can do is think of all she has lost.

The concept of needing giant birds to help with the crucial aspects of life
is an awesome idea. I didn't know a whole lot going into this book besides what
was discussed at the launch party. I can say it wasn't exactly what I expected
but it did the job. I hope we get more Crows and how they help in future stories
because their reign ended way too fast.

Thia is a princess that isn't coping well with the major attack and she
doesn't even act like a princess should. This isn't all her fault though and lucky
it's her older sister that handles the business of running their land. Thia is dealing
with depression that is more than skin deep. Kayln deals with depression and
mental despondency in a fantasy novel that helps in real life as well. I appreciate
her way of having her main character  handle this depression. Other characters
frown upon how Thia handled it however as with real life each individual confronts
their depression in different ways. Loss of loved ones and what feels like your
entire world is a lot to deal with.

Loss isn't the main plot to the story however it does pop up at every turn.
There is a lot of world building - but not in a normal sense-which means book two
should be a little faster paced. There is a love triangle that I could have done without.
Back to the world building, there is a great background of the Crows and their
Riders however there is a lack of what essentially makes up the world. AKA the
landscape, traveling, actual world building. I'm sure there will be a bit more in
The Crow Rider.



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